⇒ Synopisis
Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy (also known as War for Cybertron) is an animated series produced by Hasbro and Rooster Teeth based on the War for Cybertron Trilogy toyline, with animation by Polygon Pictures and voice production by Horseless Cowboy. F.J. DeSanto acts as the series showrunner, a role he previously, partially held for the Prime Wars Trilogy web series, with George Krstic, Gavin Hignight, Brandon M. Easton, Tim Sheridan, and Mae Catt as writers. The show also sees Jake Foushee, Jason Marnocha, and Frank Todaro reprising their respective roles as Optimus Prime, Megatron, and Starscream, as well as previous Transformers alumni Keith Silverstein and Jessica DiGiovanni returning for voicework. Three seasons aired on Netflix, one for each of the franchise's three toylines; the first season was released on July 30, 2020, the second season on December 30, 2020, and the third on July 29, 2021.
In conjunction with the series, Hasbro and TakaraTomy released a Netflix-branded toyline featuring more battle-worn decoes for pre-existing War for Cybertron Trilogy toys, as well as toys based on characters introduced in the show. Leading up to the release of the final chapter, TakaraTomy announced the Premium Finish line, half of which features characters from the Netflix show with extremely animation accurate paint jobs.
⇒ Information
Release date
July 30, 2020 (United States)
Country of origin
United States
Official sites
Official Netflix (Earthrise)Official Netflix (Kingdom)
Also known as
Transformers: War for Cybertron
Filming locations
Chicago, Illinois USA
Production companies
Rooster Teeth AnimationPolygon PicturesEntertainment One
⇒ Season 2